Hi everyone, thank you so much for all the lovely comments, messages and posts about my weight loss. I know many of you have followed my journey from series 1 of Channel 4, Sun, Sea and Selling Houses and know my weight goes up and down more times than a lift.
What is your secret to my weight loss?
So many of you have messaged to ask what is my secret to the weight loss? Can I give you any advice? I genuinely feel I am not the right person to be giving diet advice, as I always felt that I am who I am, and I think you should “Never judge a book by its cover”

However, I am happy to share my journey with you if it helps
In my case, it was not what I looked like that prompted me into losing weight, it was for my health.
I have always been your typical yo yo dieter because that is just part of the cycle you get into. Sometimes you feel good, sometimes you don’t, depending on what stage and time of my life I was in. YES, I have blamed baby weight, the menopause, comfort eating. However, in my opinion, YES this should never be dismissed, because it’s a fact that SOME people eat to make themselves feel better.
Even though we know in the long run it is not maybe good for us, it tastes pretty damn good at the time and gets us through times of stress and anxiety.

My story at 61 years old (Sharon)
These are just my feelings and what I have been through, you can take from it anything that helps, but just remember I am just an Estate Agent 🙂
I have not always been larger than “the norm blah, blah” so to speak. In fact, when I met Steve, I was 8 stone and had an 18-inch waist. My boobs stood their ground, rather than dragging across it! Did you know I was once offered a job flattening the sand on the local beaches, all I had to do was walk up and down, but it chaffed too much 😉 🤣 Only kidding ………
- Was I any happier back then because of my size than I am now? NO!
- I am who I am. I have always felt very confident in who I am.
- I believe your weight does not define who you are or your worth! Steve loves me more now, than when we first met.
- I believe I have always dressed appropriately for my size and when I look back at photos of me in years gone by, I was not the average size, but so what, I was genuinely happy with myself and my life. When I watch the series, we have a giggle because the way it’s cut, I can change size from one episode to another.
- I was happy, had a gorgeous husband, raised 2 beautiful children & grandchildren, have lots of friends and family and always worked hard and tried to make a better life for the family. My weight was just a number ! And had no impact on any of this.
My weight never and will never change that!

However, I am not a stupid woman
However, I am also not a stupid woman, I know what I chose to put in my mouth makes a difference to my weight and come on, let’s be honest, show me a chocolate bar or a lettuce leaf, the chocolate would always win.
I do fully take seriously that for many, many people, weight is an issue.
I worked on the admission wards at St Mathews Hospital as a trainee nurse for many years and I can tell you, people of all sizes along with the food they ate or did not eat, was a huge issue in so many cases. Especially how people feel about themselves, and that was down to society and the nature of other peoples opinions as well. It used to break my heart to see people being admitted with all sorts of weight issues that consumed their lives, where they got to the point that they felt they had no life to live.
Heart or your head = 6 stone loss

Today in my case, I have now lost over 6 stone after a very scary heart problem, which I am now pleased to say is now under control.
I decided not to do a fad diet again, or start trying to kill myself at the gym, but to listen to the professionals! Both my Cardiologist and Doctor, said let’s forget the fad diets, let’s not expect to lose half a stone in a week. Slow down a bit, and we will do an MOT on you and take it from there.
I was advised to WALK 30 minutes a day instead. Let’s face it, I was already carrying six stone more than I am now, that’s the weight of carrying a large suitcase full of clothes around with you all day.
I maybe superwoman to Steve’s Batman some nights 😂, but in reality, I am one woman trying her best to be a woman, a wife, a mother, a Nana, a Daughter, a Sister, a Friend and a Businesswoman with a very stressful and busy job, with the need to do the best I can. However, 1 hours sleep a night is not good for anyone! Neither is carrying a full suitcase around each day either, it plays havoc with your back! Which I did for over 40 years.
Taking the right advice from the experts
So after lots of tests, I was given the appropriate medication and this is when I realised that the weight I was carrying at the time was stopping me doing what I wanted to do! I had no choice but to start to take all the pressure off my heart, cut out the food I knew was making me feel unwell, and ate small portions.
Don’t get me wrong, I threw my dummy out the pram at first because I was missing the foods I liked the most, but over time I have just found healthier alternatives. I feel very lucky as I have the full support of my family, my Doctor and Cardiologist, which I know can be hard to get in some cases, I have been told it’s hard to even get to see a doctor let alone get help from them, but this is just my experience as I said and my journey.
I am no longer dragging an extra six stone around with me and at 61, I really did not need to be told what to eat. As I say, I am not a stupid woman, cake or an apple? Hmmmm
As we all know, though, it really is not as simple as that. I personally don’t drink or smoke, but I’m a grazer for sure and love food or should I say, sugary food. I just now TRY to graze on foods to heal the heart.
If I say so myself, I do have a big heart and have spent most of my life looking after others, making them happy, and aiding them in their new start in life. It may sound selfish, but I just thought at 61 it’s now time FOR ME! To look after myself, so that I can see both my grandchildren walk down the aisle and enjoy my future retirement with Steve and my family.

My only advice I can give anyone is the advice I have been given by the professionals.
- Use the tools you have! If you can’t get to see a doctor, and your weight is bothering you.
- Try to cut back on the food we all know we should not have and just have it maybe once or twice a week.
- Cut down portion sizes and eat smaller but more often, as it keeps blood sugar levels more stable.
- WALK that’s all, you don’t need a treadmill, or weights or be running a marathon. Aim to walk for 30 mins a day, but start with even 10 mins. If you have to use an umbrella because it’s raining, so what, you are out the house.
- Ask a family member to walk with you or a friend. Or why not start a little Facebook group and all FaceTime each other as you are walking showing each other the landscape etc, it’s all company and will drive you on.
- Eliminate negativity from your life. Stay positive for you and DO THIS FOR YOU
- If you need to lose 10 stone or 1 stone, your weight is your tool, WALK, and before you know it, not only will the weight start to come off a little at a time, you will feel better in yourself for getting out and about and taking a break for yourself.
- Calorie deficit! Try and stay on or under the calories you should have. It helped me to write everything down. Each deficit is weight lost is all I kept saying, however don’t starve yourself, it does not work in the long run!
- Don’t expect all this to happen quickly, just be content with a bit at a time.
- Weight is just a number, just act on how your body feels and how you feel. It is not easy at first because I know what you will be saying “I have tried it all before” well I can tell you, so have I. So don’t wait for a health scare like me! This time it CAN work, but only YOU can do it.

You are not Superwoman or Batman
But you are amazing and can do it. You have already started by messaging me 🙂 and I appreciate your support, you have helped me and there are a lot of us who can help and support each other, if we take the time and share our story.
DO NOT beat yourself up or give up if you have a bad day, tomorrow is a new day 🙂
Thank you all for your continued support on my journey, you have inspired me. Love Sharon xx